Tuesday, July 24, 2007


<This is (we think) Kimberly Bell, former mistress of Barry Bonds. Imagining what she looks like naked? Well, you only have to wait until November's issue of Playboy hits the stands to find out, because she'll be baring it all. Also, she'll be giving an interview about her supposed 10 year relationship with the Giants slugger:

"If I had more self-esteem when I was younger," she said, "I wouldn't have been caught up with such a rotten man."

You see, we are far more entertained by this than we are by Bonds chasing the career home run record.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, Bonds is so rotten. Not like you Kimberly, with your high upstanding morals. I mean, its not like you banged a married man with kids for 10 years and then posed nude in playboy for $$, smearing his name in the process. Thank God for sweet good wholesome people like you.